
What natural herb or product is like or close to the steroid prednisolone?

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What natural herb or product is like or close to the steroid prednisolone?




  1. as in fighting alergies by increasing testosterone?or just an herb that will help allergies let me know and ill help you.[f you have allergies better be carefull what herbs you take what is Prednisolone?(But yohimbe bark,sarsparilla root,betasisterol,oyster shell,saw palmetto,black cohosh,pumpkin seeds,and ginseng root) are all good natural steroids

  2. You might want to look into natural anti-inflammatories such as Bromelain (a natural derivative of pineapple) which is better for acute conditions, garlic, co-Q10, camomile and/or Omega 3 fatty acids (most concentrated in fish oil supplements). Best of luck to you!

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