
What natural ingredients are healthy for skin and where can they be found?

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What natural ingredients are healthy for skin and where can they be found?




  1. Vitamin E however this vitamin also builds up in the liver and takes sometime for the liver to disperse. So be careful with over use of Vitamin E . small doses is the key and not to regular otherwise you will overload the liver. Under 400 units is recommended

  2. I may be misreading your question, but are you looking for pills/supplements that you can take for skin heath? If so, there are several including Biotin, Silica (commonly from Horsetail), Squalene, Hyaluronic Acid, MSM, L-Cysteine, Collagen, and most antioxidants (Especially Vitamins A and E). You could also rub Aloe Vera on your skin to help soothe and soften the skin.

    Good luck!

  3. Hi. I'm not sure if you're wanting ingredients because your skin needs help, or you just like to moisturize. Healthy skin comes from within, and doesn't need anything topical (even with aging).

    The best way to healthy skin in the short- and long-term is through a moderate lifestyle and good nutrition (including hydration, i.e., water, and excluding common substances that contribute to dehyration, i.e., alcohol and caffeine). If you're doing all the right things, yet are still concerned, you may have an endocrine imbalance.

    Earlier this week I responded at length from a holistic perspective to another post on skin allergies. While your question is somewhat different, much of what I wrote can help you. In case you're interested, here's the link (my answer is last):;...

    Otherwise, a natural ingredient that's healthy for you, won't necessarily be the same one that works for another person.

    Not the answer you wanted, I imagine, yet I hope it helps, even if by providing an alternative viewpoint. I'm a homeopath by vocation, nutritionist by avocation, and have beautiful skin (no thanks to heredity). Best wishes.


    A note to Yahoo!  Answers user "Lou S":

    I also have a link for you:

    Perhaps you didn't know that "placeholding" is considered cheating and very frowned upon within the community. You held the first answer slot with a note that said "EDITING." Newsflash: We're all editing.


    Well, you could use mud, wet sand and salt water from the beach. Put the sand and water in a big bowl and gently apply to your face. If you rub, make sure that you rub in small circles.

    Put a teaspoon of sugar in your daily face wash (IF you use any) and apply as usual.

    Heat water so it is warm. Then put a large amount of salt into the water. Dip a Q-tip in the salty water and apply to pimples. Try to keep at each pimple until their size is much smaller.

    I bought a book called '1001 Little Beauty Miracles' I can't remember who its by, but its a small copy like book with a green and pink cover and a girl on the front. It has everything. Seriously! I bought the book in Marks & Spencers (Ireland) But theres M & S in England too. Maybe you could order it online?

    Hope I helped =]

  5. Aloe Vera is the best natural ingredient for skin, take a look at the link below

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