
What natural method to kill bugs as they always bite the leaves in vegetables garden?

by Guest61830  |  earlier

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They look like the liquid of the nose, and love the leaf.




  1. Apparently, you can kill ants naturally. You just have to mix baking soda and icing sugar and leave it out. The ants will feed it to the Queen and it will kill the Queen by making her explode.

  2. You can get Diatomaceous  Earth at the hardware store.  It is a white powder that is basically just ashes.  It is not poisonous at all.  What it is is ash that has teeny, tiny sharp edges that puts tiny cuts on the bug's exoskeleton as they come in contact with it.  This causes the bug to dry up and die.  

    You can use this for all types of bugs, in cracks around your house and in the garden.  The only problem is that it only works when dry.  After a rain, when everything is dry, re-apply.

  3. I think you mean they look like the foam on a beer.  Those are spittle bugs.

    I found only two methods of natural control.  The first is to harvest the crop before the adults oviposition period in the late fall to prevent high nymphal populations in the spring. The second is to select crops which are resistant to the spittle bugs.  It depends on the crops you are growing and your location.

  4. erm beer i heard was good for slugs if thats what u mean?

  5. ladybugs will eat the bugs on a plant.

  6. Slus etc can be controlled by laying down some small, sharp grit around your veg. patch

  7. don't throw away the baby's bathwater,

    recycle water from after washing the dishes & laundry

    use it on your plants; the soapy h20 acts as a mild insect repellent.

    it's kinda cheap, economical & practical too.

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