
What natural or man made disaster do you think will occur in your life time?

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Do you think the disaster will be natural or man made?

To what extent do you think this disaster will effect you?

Are there some countries more likely to be effected?

How old are you?- if you are shy, you do not have to give your age ~




  1. they are happening all the time,

    flash floods because of excessive rains (because of super evaporation ,because of climate change)that reach the bottom regions to fast because of mass deforestation ,in Mexico more than a million people had water up to their roofs ,only a few months ago ,this is also happening all over the place in Asia. ,

    Natural disasters that are made worse because of mans deforestations.

    We have Natural disasters all the time such as oil spills because of Man .

    But also a fair share of pure Natural disasters such as the floods last year on the east coast of the USA

    Man greatest disaster will be the next war ,which could possibly put an end to  technology in many places (remember that if we do not have electricity our money does not exist anymore ,all of it is on computers)

    and food production will be severely affected causing famine and public unrest.,the likely hood of this happening during my life time is very great

    And nature greatest disaster will be and already is in many  places global Warming ,although so far this manifests the most on microscopic levels affecting all the flora and fauna that follows ,such as insects ,then that which eats them and so forth

    Then we may have 2012 to contend with if ,only one of the hundreds of different predictions,from the Egyptians ,Mayas ,Olmecs ,Toltecs ,Nostradamus or Jesus comes true.

    the whole world will eventually be affected ,just as everything in nature ,we are all interrelated.And we all share the same water

    Right now in Mexico we have a river full of arsenic ,many people are dying ,because of pollution beyond control.

    I am 63 and optimistic ,there are many solutions

  2. Hurricane related disaster.  Tornado related disasters.  Coastal flooding disasters.  In general, weather disasters exacerbated by climate change.

  3. World War III.  I think all the modern nations will be either destroyed or become greatly reduced in influence from what they were.  Cut off the oil and the lights go out, food can't reach cities and towns and there will be mass starvation.  I'm between 50 and 60.

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