
What natural products how people with cataracts?

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What natural products how people with cataracts?




  1. The russians discovered a substance that dissolves cataracts called N-acetylcarnosine.

    It is now available in the US,  but they arent allowed to say it cures cataracts even though it does.

  2. please see the answer I just gave here starting with the words for improvement as it applies and this program has cured cataracts according to people's testimonies who wrote in to say they were cured of all eye diseases with these programs.

  3. Bilberries are supposed to help and you can find further information in a web search for bilberry + cataracts.

  4. I haven't been able to find any natural products that have reliable research showing they can help patients who already have cataracts.  However, there are several supplements and vitamins that have been associated with a reduced risk of cataracts.

    These include:


    Niacin (Vitamin B3)

    Riboflavin (Vitamin B2)

    Thiamine (Vitamin B1)

    Vitamin A

    Beta-Carotene and Zinc have not shown promise.  The jury's still out on Fish Oil, Tomato, Vitamin C, and Vitamin E.

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