
What need to be changed in America?

by  |  earlier

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I say the prison systems and the judicial system needs to be changed. The prisons breed hate and racism and the judicial system allows people with money to be exempt from things that poor people goto jail for.




  1. I would say Congress, and then establish term limits

  2. We need to get back to the constitution. Abolish the income tax - make the avg. American the king of his own life! Make it attractive to work! Make achieving attractive! Abolish all social security and make private charity rule! Free and capitalistic!

  3. AH!!!  You just got at the heart of my complaint on Obama's vague "change" platform.  If we don't say what we need to change and what we want it to change to we are free to interpret change as whatever we want.  Once it gets specific people will complain that their issue isn't getting dealt with or it is but in the wrong way.  

    Me?  I want to see parents be held to a higher standard as far as raising their children and I want to have people held responsible for their actions.  See, both of us want fundamental structural change but we don't agree on what has to change or how.

  4. That is one of many components that need adjustments both in the system and in the inmates.

  5. Balance the budget now and not 10 years from now.  Criminal justice system seems to grow and grow so I agree something needs to be done there as well.  Fix immigration so that only legals can work.

  6. How much time you got??? Seriously..

  7. uhhhhh... BUSH!!!

  8. The leaders and the lack of concern for our nation.

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