A woman that we know is planning on giving her baby up for adoption. She is very into it, that relatives that know her already talked to my brother if he and his wife would consider adopting the baby. My brother is for it but his wife isn't. He suggested that I would adopt the baby, which I wish I could but dont know what are the steps I need to take. We have our own house, my family lives with me and I work, everyone is for it. I know I need to contact a lawyer for that but, do we need to sign papers first then go to the hospital to pick the baby?? or the mother decides when to go? how much a lawyer charges for this?? I want all to be legal, when the lady does not. She is not from the USA and she is planning on getting rid of the baby one way or another before going back to her country to her husband. She is due either this month or next. She hasnt seek any help, typical behavior of a woman that does not want to get attached to the baby. Any suggestions will be appreciated, thanks