
What negative effects does red bull have?

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i know it gives you energy and then you feel crappy the next day, but can it actually cause harm.

ive heard ppl say that it shortens your life.

orthers say it damages your heart.

anyone know the truth!!!!!





  1. well first off its a waste of money..second it tastes like c**p..third you should'nt drink it cuz it will make you crash and make you feel like your having a heart attack..

  2. All of this is from excess amounts. They have more sugar and caffeine than sodas too. Too much sugar and caffeine can cause the problems that you heard of. However, in moderation that is not going to be a problem. Even Red Bull suggests that you should consume no more than 1 to 2 a day.

    Now then as far as feeling crappy the next day can easily be fixed. Caffeine dehydrates. When we are dehydrated we become tired and lethargic. If you drink extra water within 15 - 30 minutes after having a Red Bull or other energy drinks then that should not be a problem.

    When properly hydrated we will increase our motabolism and energy levels by 3%. For proper hydration forget about 8 glasses of water. That is outdated and inaccurate. We need 1 ounce for every 2 pounds of body weight and 8 ounces for every 20 minutes of exercise. With warm/dry climates and days we need even more. We can get some water from foods and drinks but alcohol and caffeine dehydrate.

    The only negatives are the sugar crash and the dehydration from the caffeine. Amounts of caffeine from 300 mg and up each day and tons of sugar is what can cause the many problems you have heard about. But in moderation and a healthy lifestyle (exercise, sleep, water, and nutrition) you will not have any problems.

  3. Well it pulls cash outta your purse. Next you drink it and jump around like mad. After you feel dizzy plus it damages your brain and shrinks your organs.

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