
What negative things have actually happened to you as a result of using a Ouija board?

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Every time someone mentions a ouija board on here a dozen people will warn against their use claiming that bad things will happen, a portal will open, demons will come into your home and so forth.

Okay, so who has this happen to them personally after using a ouija board and what actually occured?




  1. Ouija board is to be left alone. As sure as you don't put your hand on fire! There's enough Satanic cults going around, enough demanding of the Evil Forces to come to the World, you don't want to spread anymore than what is already. You'll be the first in danger. Trust me. *Rome is educating his Bishops and Priests* to be able to make Exorcisms because there's too many people possessed by evil. The thing is that there are so many evil spirits living in the lower spheres of the spirit world, that as soon as they're called ""you don't know who you're calling"" they're at your service at command! Although not for your good.

    Even children shouldn't play with this, for they're more vulnerable.

    WARNING: Stay away from that. You know enough about it. Curiosity is working on you as evil is tempting you!

  2. A good friend of mine was tormented by a spirit her brother had let loose with this. It even followed her to college. Do not use it. The stronger spirits will come through and they are usually the bad ones. If you do use it then make sure you have protected yourself before and close the door after. These are two very important things to do. I have not done this myself because I don't want to try it but this is what many have told me.

  3. I have two friends who used to use one fairly often. One night they used it and then went out for the night. While they were out the house burnt down!! True story. There was so much damage the whole house had to be demolished and rebuilt. (After they got the insurance money which took forever) Could be coincidence, could be something evil, no way to know for sure but why chance it. Also, my friend had to go back the next day to meet with the fire marshall and such, and one of the firefighters told her the flames coming off of one of the trees looked like something he had never seen before, and there was a distorted image of a face in it. She said you could still kinda see it in the trunk of the tree, weird.....

  4. Not one negative thing.Ouijas have been a source of fun since I was a kid.I know it's not nice.I can't help it,scaring the the pants off silly folks is hilarious.Plus,it's harmless fun.Not like taking advantage of their silliness.There are already too many doing that.

  5. My mother used to tell me that it was only really bored, rotten spirits who hung around watching people's Ouija boards.  Kinda risky to ask a question when the thing answering you has Satan's agenda, which is 1. kill, 2. steal,  and 3. destroy.  Maybe you could ask someone living, or maybe you could ask God?

  6. We got bored and played Monopoly instead, and I lost.

  7. Nothing.

  8. Ouijja boards are bad news.. the channel on which they operate is too broad and you never know exactly what you are communicating with.

    You cant see them, and they can lie, just as people do. I played with one ONCE... once was all it took. I wont even stay at someone's house who has one.

    I would tell you what went down, but it's not a very happy memory and i'd really rather not get into it.  But i do hope you dont decide to mess with them..not a good decision at all..

  9. I was pretty impressed with my first Ouija board experience.  It certainly made me think.  But as the information increased the awe and wonder was diminished somewhat.

    Thanks to a head on my shoulders, a good education and a decent upbringing I haven't been cursed with superstition, so the demon infestation thing never did seem to happen.

  10. It got me into many other paranormal things...and they all came together to cause me a lot of trouble...which I'm not telling about on here. I don't say it works for just never know who it will work for so why take the chance? There are plenty of other toys to play the computer. At least you know there are real human earthly people at the other end of the computer. OOOPS ..I could be wrong about that. lol

    Edit..Have you ever had a monopoly piece move by thinking about it moving? Or did your hand move it when you didn't know it was going to? There's a difference in the ouija board and other games.

  11. well i did it at my friends house(we also tried it at my hosue aswell ) and after we were finshed we put it in his i go home and he calls me and he said his sister heard loud banging comming from his rom (where we did it) and it was on the floor. and then as soon as he hungup i heard LOUDD banging comming from my basement.( the other place we did it) it was freaky no one was home. now i think there are spirts are in my house


  13. It's a board game, that's it. You can buy them at Toys R Us for pete's sakes. I've had one for years just for fun, nothing has ever happened...because it's a silly game. Only a heavy handed friend will make the marker move.

  14. Yes, I have a disturbing story that I hope everyone can learn from. One night my friends and I decided to play with the Ouija board and we used it to try to call spirits and communicate with them. We got some freaky results. We asked some questions and got some yes/no answers, and everyone was very scared by the whole thing, so we stopped.

    Then, 3 weeks later, I got a hemorrhoid.  A big one too. Coincidence?   Yeah right!

  15. I wouldn't say I had anything "negative" happen, but I do have a little story.  I took mine up to college over Halloween (back in 1990)and some friends and I took it to a cemetary.  We found a grave of a little boy and tried to "contact" him. After a bit, we returned to the dorm and the next thing I knew we were surrounded by girls asking their questions and so forth. It was rather interesting.  Well, I finally asked "the little boy" what he looked like and he responded by saying he had no hair and no eyes.  Odd.  Then, I asked how he died.  Suddenly, the fire alarm went off and we had to evacuate.  When we returned, our stuffy RA told me Ouija Boards weren't allowed on campus and to put it away.  The next day one of the girls in the group came up to me and she told me she had done research on the little boy.  She told me she found that he had been smoking cornsilks and died in a fire.  His brother escaped unharmed . . .  A few months later, I went up to the cemetary and his brother's grave had just been added.

  16. The worst that ever happened to me was a sense of evil that was almost palpable. That was my last time, but it very well could be attributed to many different things and no more than a coincidence. I think I felt something that was actually evil but who knows? Can Ouija Boards be simply something done for fun? Absolutely! I have done that numerous times as a child. Can you play with radium and not get cancer? Of course you can, but I do not want to take a chance. When I hear a religious leader that has been most rational and reasonable in His teachings, has talked about quantum mechanics, the Big Bang and the atomic bomb decades before they were even imagined by any scientist, who says any religion that rejects scientific truths is mere superstition and then tells me I might inadvertently open myself up to possession by an evil spirit, I am inclined to stay away from anything He said to stay away from.


    Strange and astonishing things exist in the earth but they are hidden from the minds and the understanding of men. These things are capable of changing the whole atmosphere of the earth and their contamination would prove lethal. (Baha'u'llah)

    It is noteworthy that in 1911 in Paris in the course of a conversation with Viscount Arawaka, the Japanese Ambassador to Spain, 'Abdu'l-Bahá spoke these words:

    Scientific discoveries have increased material civilization. There is in existence a stupendous force, as yet, happily, undiscovered by man. Let us supplicate God, the Beloved, that this force be not discovered by science until spiritual civilization shall dominate the human mind. In the hands of men of lower material nature, this power would be able to destroy the whole earth.'

    (Adib Taherzadeh, The Revelation of Baha'u'llah v 4, p. 225)

  17. Interesting that this subject has brought up so many objections as well as interesting stories.

    And mine is a long one for anyone who likes reading.

    I first watched a session with some Chinese friends in Hong Kong when I was 16.  They told me not to try it because my father would kill them if he found out, since he was Catholic.  I watched as they placed a clear dish on a large sheet which had a thousand or so Chinese characters on it, none of which I could read or understand.  Anyway, a few of them got the heebie jeebies and pulled out, but I was intrigued.

    I went home and took a sheet of cardboard out and wrote a few hundred words from the English dictionary on it and then asked my sisters to play it with me.  We had a jolly good time the first time, ribbing each other about who was pushing it etc.

    My mother joined in on other occasions and so did my father (lo and behold!) because some of the answers that we were given had come true.

    Anyway, one night, we were playing with it after dinner and my brother, who always felt left out when us 'girls' did things together decided to mock the spirit that was present.  The spirit then replied to him to beware, that it would visit him that night.  My brother freaked out and decided to sleep in my mother's bed that night.  At 4am, his bedside alarm went off and woke us all up.  It was a funny sight to see my mother scolding the cardboard and plastic marker at that time of the morning I tell you!

    But it doesn't end there.  The family continued to play it as harmless fun until one night, my sister started painting her toe nails and had her legs in an unseemly position.  This seemed to have drawn down a spirit calling himself 'Satan's son'. We were obviously disturbed by this as lewd comments and actions were directed to her by this spirit and we had to terminate the game because of a fear of repercussions.  Didn't know what they could be at the time but the 'feel' of the air was not a good one.

    Again, on an occasion later, with friends, we tried this and whilst playing it, when someone was being disrespectful, the plate flew across the room and smashed in half.  It spooked all the people playing and needless to say, they ended the game.

    On yet another occasion, and this is relayed to me by a friend recently who remembers it from our childhood, the spirit promised a visit that night.  My friend, unaccustomed to its use could hardly sleep that night.  She later woke to a thunderous sound and the bed shaking and was too scared to open her eyes, but finally did and began laughing hysterically, because I was sleeping beside her and snoring like a trooper!

    On yet another occasion, my siblings tried this without my presence and they apparently encountered hauntings all night, with voices from adjoining rooms that were other worldly.  This, I am told has been the reason why none of them have played it ever since.

    However, my fascination with it has never abated.  I have conducted regular seances, but have one or two warnings that I feel I must state.

    The experience that you get from playing with the board is exactly what you think you will get.  The mind is very powerful.  If you are afraid when you play it, you will draw those energies more fully toward you, in what would then be considered, spirits with fearsome intentions.  If you believe you will draw angels or people who have passed over, in essence, you will do just that.

    Always protect yourself before you start, if only to reassure your mind that no harm will come to you.  I always start a session with, "Goddess the Mother of all protects me.  God the Father of all defends me.  I am always safe.  I am never alone.  I call upon my guardian angels and spirt guides to enter this circle of white light and divine inspiration.  May my higher self transmit to me the knowledge I am about to receive and the wisdom to make the best use of it."  I end each session thanking the spirits in whichever way I see fit and then ask them to close the circle and protect anyone who has been in the session once it has ended.

    My ouija board is nearly worn out, the words have all but disappeared but I still use it and no harm has come to me.  I use it by myself because I am impatient and yes, I move the centrepiece myself physically as I know intrinsically where it wants to lead me because I trust that the words I hear or see are from a higher source, from within me.  I TRUST it implicitly and this faith and trust serves me well. I know I do not serve the devil by playing it and if the devil should one day appear, I know it is my fears working overtime and I will know how to banish it.  However, no devil has ever appeared for me as I do not believe the devil exists.

    I believe in God and that he only sends me angels and guides.  The ouija Board is a tool, it directs me to my highest inner self, the self that knows what is best for me and will share that knowledge with me so that I can become the grandest version of the greatest vision of myself that I can create.  Treat it with respect and no harm will come to you.

    In my sessions, we have found missing people, helped people understand their lives, acquired reasons for certain circumstances and even found names for children, pets & houses.  The questions you can ask it are endless, but know one thing, the answers all come from you who play the board.

    Be wise, be brave and don't let those who believe in organised religion say that something is wrong when the most benevolent God with the best of motives lives within us all!

  18. We used to play when I was in college, my first real apartment. We supposedly talked to all sorts of spirits. I can't tell you if it was real, but I will say that nothing ever felt quite right in that apartment again. I always, until the day I moved out, felt like I was being watched... and I never played with a Ouija board again.

  19. Oh, it was just awful!

    I had some friends over for dinner, then we got to drinking margaritas, then started s******g around with the Ouija board.

    The following day, I was installing a new cabinet in the bathroom and broke my friggin' fingernail!

    Those boards are cursed I tell you............

  20. ive used one before and nothing bad has happened to me , i think tht the only way demons can enter is if u ' burn it ' , which actually when u use an ouija board ur not talking to demons or ghost ur using ur own mind to move it , trust me .

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