
What new fish can I get now...?

by  |  earlier

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I have had a male betta in my community tank for well over a year, and we knew he was going to die soon from old age.... well, I found him dead this morning... :(

He was a great addition to my tank, and now I want to replace him with a new fish... I would like to know what other larger fish would be good in my community tank - I now have 4 male guppies, 4 rummynose tetras, 2 albino corys, 2 african dwarf frogs and a hong kong pleco....

What larger (not too large - like the betta kinda size) fish would be a good new addition?

Could I have one Angel fish, or should they be in groups more than one?

If not Angel fish, any ideas what I could have?




  1. I think that a Paradise fish would be perfect in your tank.

    It is part of the gourami family but less aggressive. they are about the same size as a betta maybe a little larger.

  2. do not get tiger barbs they are evil and mean and will incessantly nip at your other fish trust me i learned the hard way

  3. we had an angel fish on its own for about a year with no problems then we got it a mate and they unseperable.what about getting 6 tiger barbs they are a very colourful fish to add to any community tank.but they like to be in a shoal of 4 upwards.quite hardy too.

  4. get 2 more tetras and 1 more cory

    as these are the minimum school groups

  5. I would not recommend a paradise fish because in my experience they are fin nippers and your male guppies will lose their tails.  A paradise fish will probably also nip at the dwarf frogs.  Dwarf gouramis come in many different colors and would be a peaceful addition to your tank.  You could get a small angel fish and by the time it grows too big for the tank you might be ready for a larger 2nd tank for bigger fish.  You can keep just one angel fish in a community tank.  

  6. Angel fish and male guppies will generally end badly, for the guppies anyway.

    Tank size does make a difference, but judging by the fish you have, the tank isn't huge.

    A dwarf gourami might be a good option to replace the betta.


  7. Paradise fish are aggressive - a definite no!

    Would you consider some more tetras and cories? The tetras should really be in a group of 8+ as they are shoaling fish, and the cories are sociable shoaling fish, so you should be looking at about 6 of them. Increase your numbers and you'll have much happier fishies.

    Angel fish can also be a bit agressive, and need tiptop water conditions.  

  8. You are missing a vital bit of info, what size tank?

    Angelfish need 30 gallons high minimum for one, and they'd kill your guppies.

    Depending on the size of your tank you could look into Gouramis, there are several species anything from 2" to 2ft long! Obviously the giants aren't applicable, and some are more aggressive than others so you'd have to be wary around the guppies.

    Just an FYI, the hong kong pleco isn't a catfish, its a river loach.

    Edit: NO PARADISE FISH! Like the Angelfish, the name is false, these fish are aggressive, territorial and will shred your guppies and damage your frogs. Paradise Fish are best in species tanks, not community tanks.

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