
What new law or rule would you set?

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If you could make one rule or law that everyone HAD to adhere to, obey or follow what would you legislate? What law would you pass to make sure that people either DID or DID NOT do something? (what??)




  1. People who fight all the time have to take the position of their opponent and argue for that before they can argue for their own position. Points awarded for both!

    Hee. The world would be deep in understanding and wisdom.

  2. I'd make sure that the Prime Minister was elected by the people, not just by his party.  That way we might not be in the financial mess we are in now.  Gordon Brown was a great Chancellor, shame we can't say the same for his leadership.

  3. I'd make Greed illegal, as an anti-social offence

  4. I'd make it illegal for Loki to spread his ignorant nonsense to any public forum.  In the words of Oscar Wilde: Nothing says success like excess.  

    Besides, greed has NOTHING to do with anti-social. Greedy people are quite often VERY social.

  5. That people will not text message while they operate a motor vehicle.

  6. I was watching this program about WI women trying to decriminalise brothels etc and at first I thought it was a terrible idea, but then when you heard about the prostitutes who "work" unsafely and come into contact with mad people it actually makes sense. I personally don't agree with prostitution, i've grown up with catholic views sorry, but I think that if it prevents women being raped and abused or contracting malicious diseases then I am pro-it lol

  7. No use of lol, lmao, rofl or omg by anyone over 12.

  8. Outlaw stupidity (this would include going to war only to control oil supplies!) Those who genuinely had learning difficulties would be exempt from criminalisation and be gven appropriate help.

  9. I would make it illegal to keep candy, tasty snacks, or those cool little samples close to the check out. How dare they prey on the ppl w/little or no self-control (like myself!). All of that stuff would have to be put WAY at the back!

    In order to enforce this law the Self Control Police would make random  checks to various stores. If the store was in violation then the Self Control Police would, by law be able to confiscate all of the contraband and deliver it to my house!

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