
What new medications are there to treat paranoia?

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I know someone who is sometimes very paranoid of being murdered by voices and shadows that don't exist in reality. What's new out there for such symptoms?




  1. What your describing isn't really in the spectrum of an anxiety disorder and the paranoia conventionally assocciated with that, but more a type of hallucination, in the spectrum of schizophrenia. Hallucinations and reality distortions aren't really a part of any other condition.

    Schizophrenia is typically treated with antipsychotic drugs. In the past decade or so a new class of antipsychotic has come out called 'atypicals' which for the most part have less severe side effects than the originals. The first line medication is one called Risperdal, which has just gone off patent. There's a new version of it available called Invega, which is essentially the same medicine with the manufacturer trying to squeeze a little more patent protection out. Others include Seroquel, Abilify and Geodon. The first, Seroquel, is particularly good at quenching hallucinations and paranoid delusions.

  2. Heh, okay, these guys missed psychotic depression.  So, psychosis can be any of the schizophrenia disorders, psychotic bipolar mania, and psychotic depression.  There's also paranoid disorder.  Paranoia as you described occasionaly can be part of borderline personality disorder.

    Anyway, as others have said, atypical antipsychotics have been on the market for a decade or longer.  They include Zyprexa, Serqouel, Geodon, Abilify, Risperdal, and Invega (like Risperdal).

  3. Distorted thoughts are also a part of bipolar mania and hallucinations, auditory or visual can be a part of a psychotic bipolar mania.  If you are hearing voices that is a hallucination.  If you believe you will be murdered by voices that you haven't heard it is a delusion.  There are many aytipical anti-psychotics on the market that work very quickly.  Some of the most popular and relatively newer would be seroquel, geodon and abilify.  The question asked what meds could help this.  An atypical would be used for a psychotic depression too.

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