
What new pool cue should i get?

by Guest60299  |  earlier

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ok guys i need ur hlp wit this 1. ok so i dont hav alot of $$ to spend on this cue so im thinkin under 200. ive pretty nuch narrowed it down to the Viking G06-188$ and the Poison VX-145$

i really like the poison but im not sure if i can trust poison cues to be good cuz ive never used one. now my dad has a viking and i really like it but the poison seems so cool.

Do ne of you own a poison or can help me wit my problem

Thanks a bunch




  1. Since you've narrowed your selection down to just a few cues...... I HIGHLY recommend that you you actually pick up each cue and get a good feel for each one.

    Which one feels best?

    Which one is more durable?

    Which cue just feels right in YOUR hands?

    NO ONE but YOU, can answer this question, nor help you choose your cue. You're the one who will be playing with the cue.  Don't let others sell you on what brand or which of the two to buy. This is your decision and yours alone, to make.

    You can hand these two different cues to 50 people. Each person will pick the cue that feels best to him or her.

    Don't think about the name brand or the fancy inlay. Pretty cues have nothing to do with performance.

    Try 'em out .....take 'em for a "test drive".  Before I bought my Meucci, I tried it out. The Pro Shop owner encouraged me to do so, BEFORE I was sure that this cue was for me. I tested several cues before I knew which cue was best for me. I looked at several beautiful cues --and that's just what most of them were ---- nothing more than pretty cues. I wanted a cue that was sturdy, durable, well-made,  FELT GOOD IN MY HANDS, and held up to my standard of play.

    That's about the best advice I can give you. Blindfold yourself if need be, and try these cues out. If you're still not sure -- shop around some more. Those cues will still be there, should you decide on one of them.

    Happy hunting --- buying a cue is exciting. Have fun with it, but be practical in your final decision.

    Choosing the right cue is not a "problem". It's an exciting, yet a sometimes frustrating luxury. Even if every person here owned a Poison cue, that would not mean that it's the best cue for YOU.

    If you want some info on that particular cue, Google: Poison brand pool cues, on the Internet. Even then, if the cue LOOKS great, and the sales pitch SOUNDS great're not going to know if that cue is fot YOU, unless and until you TRY THE CUE OUT!

    Take your time and have fun choosing a cue that is just right for YOU.


  2. A Viking out of thase 2 but you can find a good cue even cheaper I dont know anything about Poison cues  they may be great i just dont know But I do know Vikings

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