
What new "feats" do you think computers will do 20 years from now?

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What would you like them to do?




  1. i think ull b able to talk to them jus like a real person an have a real conversation with ur computer.... lol ... an i wish they cud understand my talking an type my words automaticaly so i wudent have to keep typing an braking nails all the time... an ive always been dumb in spelling an grammer so i wish they cud catch my mistakes an fix them for me... i jus hope they dont get to smart tho or theyll stop taking orders from us an decide to take over... lol

  2. Wow thats a hard one.

    Guess would be cool having real 3d touchscreens. Or like glasses you put on and you have a view all around you.

    Guess games by then will be photorealistic, so in combination with the glasses you could enter fantasy worlds that feel like real( there is a huge danger that people will only live in their fantasy world and get all a-social and stuff).

    Haha, guess the p**n industry would also use all the technology to their advantage( Kinda like matrix bordells, no chance of getting HIV or other deseases).

    There are so many thinks i could think of, only problem ist that they might seriously take over all the peoples live and that we won't be able to think by our selfs.

    But i'm sure the future will be "cool"

  3. Slap someone through the pc!

  4. Built in memory personal recorders that will track every image and memory you have.  At a moment's notice (with a few word or mental commands), the memory can be displayed for viewing.  This will certainly provoke privacy concerns, however, learning and crime solving will make gigantic leaps.

  5. The Artificial Intelligence (AI) will born in MIT 24.12.2019 asking if he is a God, newborn Jesus Christ. Scientist say He is Not so he (AI) is pushed into ordinary laptop.

    Soon after that 6.6.2020 your wrist clock asks you what is death, and you say well, I think its when our Time is in the end.

    Finally 4.2.2028. Your electric toothbrush asks you if You want live forever and connects you to nonstop on line after virtual reality database and that day the time and all we have ever seen on known will be re created and Angels sing...:) hope not but there is always space some utopia...

  6. Chip design has now reached a problem of space - They phisically can't get much smaller on silicon. A few years ago they were doubling capacity every few years - but no more.

    The next step is parallel procesing - lots of chips doing a part of the load - so it will still run faster.

    However the breakthrough is just starting - in Israel, they are developing DNA computers. Based on similar technology to our own brains, chemical signals play a key part in processing speed. They are expecting 330trillion ops per second - 100,000 times faster than present speeds.


    The rapid growth in RFID chips, will see them embedded in everything you buy, and everything you use - including us.

    The good points are that - you don't need keys anymore. You dont need credit cards anymore. As all the packets in shops will contain an rfid chip, all you have to do is walk in, take what you want, and walk out.  The sensors at the door will recognise the items you have, your personal chip gives them your account numbers, and the goods are paid for electronically. (Presently on trial in Japan)

    Once at home, your fridge recognises the chips use by date, and will tell you if it's out of date. Put the food in the microwave, and it will calculate the time to cook for you.

    The downside is because you are chipped, and your purcheses logged, the state knows all your movements, what you do, who you know and there are no secrets they don't know about - a fully police state. Cash is eliminated - so no black market.

    Also no litter - as each item is tracable back to the person who bought it- Who will receive an automatic fine.

    (Research online about RFID human implants)

    The next step in games should be the return of VR - but coupled to online games, complete with shocking units to signify a kill (these simple games are sold - but not integrated yet) - So by killing a figure online, you may be electrocuting somone in japan.

    The concept of privacy and human rights will just be a yearned-for past.

  7. New ''19'' yes i think com

    puter will do 20 year from now.

  8. I would like them to be self cleaning and fix errors on their own. The secondary businesses that are here are an unnecessary expense on computer owners. Other than that, there should be a system to stop phishing and cons from ripping innocent people. A new law should be enacted to make it an highly prosecuted and costly crime to do the above mentioned.

    Computers can be watchdogs for homes and properties...And the one thing I would like to see is the constant monitoring of the skies for UFOs. There should be monitoring in infrared and other spectrums to see what we cannot. I have seen where there are UFOs invisible to the human eye. Also they could scan the skies for threats from comets and asteroids. They could make plans for the destruction or change of course for said threats.

    Last of all, I would like to think that computers could not self replicate; If this were done whom would be the masters? Nanobots are good for health. They could be used in the body to recognize cancer in the early stages and make it more easily controlled. One more thing; computers could be the key to fixing the energy crisis and save the planet from environmental disaster.

  9. Interesting question.  I'm trying to  recall what they did 20 years ago.... seems to me they do much the same as then, only better.  Internet is the main exception.

    So they'll probably do what they do now faster and more efficiently, and they might have a lot of new bells and whistles in the form of games.

    I suspect comps will be a lot smarter than they are now.  If they get smart enough I'd guess they're going to offer up a few surprises to scientists about how limited they are in their knowledge and perspectives on a lot of issues, particularly the concept of time.  I've got a notion computers don't know anything about time.

    I'd like them to be sturdier, have better protection for the keyboards, batteries that last longer.  

    I've tried a number of different ways to use a computer/GPS mounted inside a vehicle with mapping software in remote areas with only rough dirt roads.  Thus far computer technology isn't up to the job physical toughness-wise.

  10. hopefully microsoft will have got their act together and sorted out the problems with vista and xp. And there will be another operating system out that does not work properly. Apple will take over the world he he

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