
What new sports are there in the olympics?

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What new sports are there in the olympics?




  1. I hear LJ wants to see "heading the shot" and "catching the javlin" included as events

  2. BMX BABY! YA!

  3. They introduced BMX and got rid of the 1 kilo sprint in the velodrome.  

  4. April 27, 2006, the International Olympic Committee finalized the 2008 Beijing Olympics the 29th session of the event. 2008 Beijing Olympic Games a total of 28 major subparagraph 302, item 165 men, 127 women's, mixed item 10. And the 2004 Athens Olympic Games events (28 of 301 large Xiao Xiang), the Beijing Olympic Games add nine Xiao Xiang, but cancelled the original eight Xiao Xiang, in fact add a subparagraph.

    Increasing women's projects

    Over the years, the International Olympic Committee and the enhancement of the Olympic Games women's participation rate as a priority development objectives, the International Olympic Committee Executive Committee of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games projects set up the changes, continue to adhere to this concept. Beijing Olympic Games women's sports will reach a record 127 over the Athens Olympic Games 125 an increase of two, will result in about 130 women athletes participating.

    Changes in competition

    New additional nine events include: obstacles to women's 3,000 meters, table tennis men and women groups, men and women's cycling individual small tricycle (BMX), women's Foil and Women Peijian groups, men and women's marathon swimming 10 km (open Waters).

    Cancellation of the original eight sports are: men and women's doubles table tennis, cycling in the men's 1,000 m women's 500 meters time and time, fencing projects in the men and women b*****d Sword Foil groups groups, shooting the man in the project Yi Dongba 10-meter air rifle and women's double trap a number of individuals.

    In addition to the above changes, changes in events, sailing project also replaced a number of competition-level (ship), for example: in the men's and women's windsurfing projects, with the RSX-class replacement of the Athens Olympics Misitela level, the women Single boat project, using laser-class compact Dir replace the European level.

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