
What new things has your baby learnt to do recently?

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Today my 11.5 month old has managed to go from standing unaided to wiggling, whilst clapping and stamping her feet - so very cute! She has also started dancing whenever music is on and can 'row' to row row row your boat :o) What new things has your baby learnt to do recently?




  1. My 6 month old can go from tummy to sitting and is pulling up to stand on anything and everything!! he thinks he's so cool! lol

  2. Ian is 11 1/2 months old also and just started doing the butt wiggling dance and clapping to music cute!!! Just last night he gave me 3 kisses when I said, "Give mommy a kiss!" I started crying and all my husband could do was laugh at how emotional it made me!

  3. Mines will be 6 months old on Sunday and she is starting to crawl.   She gets on her hands and knees, shakes her but back and forth but hasn't figured out how to move her arms and hands so she can move forward. It's so cute when she gets frustrated and screams lightly at me to pick her up because she gets tired of trying. I encourage her to come to me and to keep on trying, after a while it just takes too much energy out of her so she gets exhausted and just wants to be held until she falls asleep.  

  4. Well Emma has been clapping and waving a lot recently.  She can play pat a cake which is fun.  the most exciting thing is she said KITTY the other day.  She has been saying kit, but finally got out the rest.  She is 10 months.

  5. My seven mos. old just started to get into a sitting position from belly!!

      Not real exciting to other people, but a big mileston to us!

  6. my little boy is 7 months and he started crawling forwards on sunday he coild only go backwards before then bless him, and last night he pulled himself up into something not quite a stand but he was so please with himslef bless him! hes also trying to sit up on his own but needs just a little help but he thinks hes done it on his own lol! hes been so busy learning the last couple of days he slept 12 hours last night!

  7. Finn (17 months) learnt the word "Wow" recently - that was cute, he'd point at stuff (simple stuff like trees lol) and go "woooow."

    The phrase of the week is "uh oh" though. If anyone drops anything or falls over its an immediate "uh oh!" with a cute face lol

    My youngest is 5 months and desperately trying to crawl, I'll be so proud when he actually does it!!

  8. Mines 64 years old and he's recently learnt how to boil an egg. He sure is forward for his age. lol

    Your baby sounds as sound as a pound and long may her progress continue. And everyone elses too

  9. Well, he's not my baby, but my nephew started preschool yesterday and he had my sister call me so he could tell me all about it. I cried =( He's growing up so fast! I remember when he was just three months old when they adopted him. He told me he learned how to play golf and tennis as well. (he got a Wii game for kids)

  10. My 7 month old seems to be learning something new every day.  It's that blink and you miss it faze.  She crawls and grabs whatever she can to get in a standing posistion.  When she's in her walker she chases the cat around the laminate floor which is really cute.

    She has been saying baba for weeks and now says mama.  

  11. Well, my son (just turned 8 months yesterday) started crawling about 3 weeks ago and he has 2 teeth! He is trying to pull himself up, but can only get up on his knees before he falls over.  

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