
What new things have made your life better?

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Here is my choices; internet, digital cameras, air conditioning, power steering and power brakes in cars.

The internet allows me to go all over the world from my desk. Digital cameras allow me to take daily "pieces" of my life forever on film, air conditioning allows me to live and work in hot, humid places, and power steering and power brakes allow me to drive a lot safer.




  1. I've read all answers and they are all very good.  I would pick each and every one also. But what about------The simple phone ? You can be 10,000 miles away and talk to that person ,on the other end of the phone ,in about 5 min.  Now that is wild.I live in another state and my Mom is 85 years old.  If I couldn't talk to her several times a day I would have to move down there to help her out.  As it is now, we talk and I can give her all the advise she needs to make her happy.  Plus I go there every other month for two weeks to do things I can't take care of on the phone.If she can just get my input on things then she is happy and still able to take care of herself.

  2. I'd say internet, malls to walk in during cold winters, remote controls

  3. Every day of my life starts out great due to the automatic Mr. Coffee maker. At 4:30 am hot coffee and fresh air are all I need.

  4. I will say that riding lawn mowers and the weed eaters have my life better. When you have 2 acres to mow, I would rather do it with a rider than a push mower any day. Then there is the weed eaters, it is easier using them than it is to hoe all the weeds. Here lately that is what I have been doing, using a hoe to get the weeds down around stuff. I will be so grateful when and if we ever do get another weed eater here again.

  5. you are so right on your choices but as i sat and look around i think i would have to say in my life time it would be running water in the house which also allow for indoor bathrooms!!!  i think also some of the medical advances that has saved my life!!

  6. Medical advances from ten years ago. I've had two Cardiologists tell me with my heart attack ten years ago, they never would have allowed me to go back to work in six months. They said maybe never. I was back to work in three months.

    I have a younger sister that had a complete heart transplant twelve years ago at the University of Florida. She's back to doing her normal life.

  7. Advil

  8. My new wife of 7 years of marriage.  Don't drink alcohol any more,go to church,so i know life is better!

  9. I'm not sure how to answer this.  All of the things you mention are wonderful, but what would my life have been like without them?  Would I get more exercise?  Would I go out and make more friends face-to-face?  Would I spend more time in the fresh air?  I'm not sure which is better-- a life with technology or a life without it.

  10. internet:  a world of information

    air conditioner:  I live in the South, it's a lifesaver

  11. i'd rather have less clutter in my life, by clutter i mean technology,rather go for a walk in the countryside than mess about with gadgets.

  12. I agree with what you have said but I would like to add one.... microwave oven.  Where would we be without that wonderful time saver!

  13. Your answers are what mine would have been.  I love to read history.  It's great being able to check a fact if you have a question about what you're reading.  Look at maps online.  One of my favorite places is the Library of Congress site.  I could spend a lifetime there.

    I like puzzles too.  I have word and jigsaws just a click away.  I also love Trivia..What did I do without the internet??

  14. The internet tops  my list.  It's invaluable!

    Also, a/c, cell phones, microwaves, vcr's (yes, VCR'S!), outlet malls.

  15. Cell phones, microwaves, dishwashers, Portable house phones (not tied to the wall while talking.).Air conditioners in home and car. Power steering is good. DVDs. Oh heck! Everything we have now that we did not have growing up.     Poppy

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