
What new things is YOUR baby doing?

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I am a very proud mommy, Danielle laughed for the first time yesterday and she slept through for the first time as well.

So, what wonderful new things is your baby doing?




  1. My oldest is staring to work on her math with me. She is six. She catches on very quickly with addition.

    My son, the middle baby, is four and has almost his whole alphabet. along with counting to 20

    My third, 4months, has recently found her toes. Turned over from back to stomach and the other way a couple of times, making eye contact on purpose. And is starting to sit up with out assistance. Busy baby!!!

  2. Good question!  My 16 month old climbed on and off the sofa today, without help.  Terrifying, but exciting.

    My 3 year old is starting preschool in a week.

    And baby number 3 is 9 weeks along and is busy developing fingers and toes and genetals.  Yeah!

  3. My daughter is almost 8 months old.  She said mama for the first time the other day, then a day after she said dada and hi.  She tries to mock the words she hears, its so cute.  Congrats on hearing your daughter laugh for the first time.  

  4. my daughter has started going from sitting to standing (by holding on to something of course) about 2 weeks ago, and is going from belly, to sitting about a week ago.. still no crawling though (she is 7.5  months old) but I think she is a little ahead with the sitting to standing

  5. Charlotte is 7 months old and she just started waving with her whole arm.  She would open and close her hand before but now she's using the whole arm.  When she did it for the first time two days ago she was sitting and waved so hard she knocked herself over!

  6. My baby just started crawling today! I am so excited! :)

  7. My oldest is 4 and she today just said her WHOLE alphabet and counted up to 100 and got it all right!! WOOO

    My youngest is 13 months and she just started saying Hello (heyyo) when she picks up her toy phone...and she actually holds a conversation with Elmo(toy elmo phone)...she also started scratching her chicken pox(she never scratches anything) so yeah its been a fun filled day today =)

  8. my baby is trying to get her chubby lil legs to crawl but she cant support herself yet. shes only 6 weeks.

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