
What new things is your 10-12 month old doing?????

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My 11 month old daughter has started climbing EVERYTHING (climbing before walking???), just started saying baby and daddy, throwing EVERYTHING, starting to stand alone for a little while, using a cup and giving cuddles (which is my favorite new thing) to everything people, toys, pillows, towels.........i love hearing about others accomplishments and cute little quirks so brag away :)




  1. My daughter can sort of say our dogs name Dodger. Lol. Its more like jaja... i guess. its funny because we always know when she is talking to dodger. Also she points things out when she wants to know what it is called, so all day long I am naming whatever she is pointing at. Ball...kitty...wall...puppy... and it goes on and on. She is working on walking, she has one of the push things that they use to learn. Its so cute cuz she sticks her butt out when she takes steps. Like a little priss.

  2. my sister is 10 months old.. and she's already singing, dancing, watching tv, talking, crawling and much more.. awe shes so cute...

  3. At 7 months my son discovered the dog and now he stalks him relentlessly. He is just crawling of course so the dog can outrun him easily.

  4. My son is 12 mths old. He is walking around, pulling open drawers and pulling everything out! He does the motions to some songs like "5 little monkeys" and "If your happy and you know it." He says "yes" "no" to things sometimes but otherwise mainly babbles. He drinks from a sippy and is trying to use a spoon (but without much luck)  

  5. I have a lot to brag about ;)

    Dominik - He bought home his first report card today. He is doing so well at school. We are going to frame it and put it up on the wall. Such a clever little boy. He also is learning to add things up, and he can write his name, Charli, Bones, and Boy all by himself.

    William - He has started talking around people more now. We had Nan & Pop over, and he walked Nan around telling her what everything is. He has never spoken in front of her or Pop before. I was so proud!!!

    Tobias - This little monkey used all my hair spray, doing everyone's hair this morning.He is going to be such a good hair dresser one day. He has been learning to milk the cows with me. Doing a good job.

    Ryan - HE says MUMMA!! Whoo hoo! So clever. He is starting to roll around now. I hope he doesn't crawl too soon.

    Cody - My munchy bubby. He is putting on weight now, slowly. Things get easier with him each day.

    Andrew - Well I am still picking up after him. He hasn't learnt where his socks are kept, and he makes such a mess in the kitchen, but I love him just the same ;)

  6. im 22 and have 6 kids...i dunno..i let them roam

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