
What nickname do you use to refer to Obama?

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What nickname do you use to refer to Obama?




  1. Lmao! I don't have a nickname for Obama. Why? ... Should I get one? lol

  2. Nobama

  3. O-loser

  4. McSame -- Oh, sorry, that's the other guy.  

  5. The mail room boy (deciding he wants to be CEO)

  6. hussein... I think it best fits his true hate-filled nature.

  7. Mr. President

  8. Mr. Chicago Politics.  And believe me, that is scary, quite scary.

    Ya gotta be an Illinois resident to know what that means.  Let's put it this way....he will win Illinois, but mainly Chicago, and he will win by twice the number of voters than there actually is in Chicago, dead and/or alive!  It's what they do.

  9. Obama da llama

  10. HUSSEIN obama. to close to Saddam Hussein for my likens .but whats in a name .  

  11. Obama-lama-ding-dong

    Obama Bo Peep

    Obama Mama Breeze

  12. The mayor of Cleveland introduced him as:

    Barack Obombba - so thats what I call him

  13. All Style / No Substance


    Obama Hussein

    *** Clown

  14. "the other guy"

  15. Osama.

  16. The president of the United States!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

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