I'm not into the s****. white elitist type, but I do appreciate a well-educated man with class and good taste. I'm looking for a bar, club, or lounge where the men are relatively successful and have manners, but are not narrow-minded and only looking for white blond girls. I'm 23, pretty and did some modeling while in college, but I think I must be hanging out in the wrong places since a lot of white guys seem to only be looking for a specific (color and) type.
I'm looking for a place with a good racial mix and open-mindedness, as well as classy and well-mannered people. Med students/doctor hang-outs are a plus since I'm entering med school in the fall and we'd have a lot to talk about.
If you can help, I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you!
Also, if you could tell me what places to avoid based on my guidelines, that would be great too.