
What non profits are needed, that we don't have yet?

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what type of non profit organizations do we really need that you just don't see! what is missing from our communities?




  1. Community and Youth Involvement organizations.

    Most Americans retreat into their homes and don't really get to know their neighbors.  or atleast more than 1 house away.  We don't have 'block parties' we don't have neighborhood cook outs.  we dont' get to know one another, we spy each other from the safety of our houses and spread rumors and just glare at each other.

    lets bring back somethen from the 50s and 60s. and meet our neighbors.   even if its at the local park , get to know them man.  you might just make some great friends!

  2. That will depend a lot on your own community.   If you are in a rural area there are probably few if any shelters especially transitionsal shelters that provide the services needed to help a family really get back on their feet and change long term patterns that lead to homelessness.   There may be few organizations that help people with disabilities or disabilities in general.  In many areas there is a need for organizations that make ppl aware of the needs of ppl with limited walking ability.  In our area and even in nearby large sities there are few if any resources for medical care for ppl who do not have medicare or medicaid or insurance especially thise withy serious conditions. We are struggling to find home dialysis supplies for a mom who doesn't fit so called program criteria.    Look at your own community.  Ask ppl what needs they see not being met.   Ask your community help line what they get calls about that they don't have resources to which to refer people.

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