
What non-venomous snakes act like venomous ones?

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I would like to buy one somewhere so I can get use to handling them. I catch copperheads and ratlesnakes all the time but I want to get a non-venomous one to keep at my house so I could get a little better at catching them so I don't get bit :( I want one that is aggresive and acts like a venomous snake but is not one. Any ideas? I love snakes and someday way down the road I would like to have a collection or rare venomous snakes.




  1. I don't know where you live but there are some that accually I've seen rattle there tails on twigs and blades of grass making a rattleing sound. I don't remember the species though.

  2. There is no difference between the general behaviors of venomous snakes vs. non-venomous. Most snakes, venomous or not, will bite when handled.

    Each species has its own characteristics, some venomous species are very docile, some non-venomous species are very aggressive. Venomous rattlesnakes rattle their tails; so do many non-venomous colubrids.

    If you want to handle nasty snakes, I recommend water snakes. The bigger the nastier. You WILL be bitten to your satisfaction.

    If you want to avoid being bitten by venomous snakes, learn to use a hook to catch and handle them.

    Better yet, stop harassing wild snakes completely, especially if you "love" them, as you claim.

  3. hognsoe or texas rat snakes. be careful of false water cobras. they ARE semi-venemous and i have been tagged by one and it aint pretty and it doesnt feel good. their venom cant kill you but it causes a horrible wound and a horrible feeling

  4. Milksnakes are not venemous but they sure think they are. I work at Petsmart and they are the meanest snakes ive ever came across

  5. Black Racer (Coluber constrictor) is the one I think of.  Before you think of keeping any venomous, get a mentor with lots of experience and work with them for minimum of a year,  After that year start slowly,. maybe with a Copperhead.  You need to be 18 and know your state laws, as you may not be able to own certain or any species of venomous snakes.  Not every state allows you to and many require permits.  Know your state and local regulations.  If you can follow advice from experienced mentor.  Those states that allows us to keep venomous snakes are shrinking and the bad press of someone getting bit by a snake such as a Cobra or whatever that they are keeping can ruin it for the rest of us.  Take your time, learn as much as you can, be meticulous and cautious,  The golden rule is  "The most dangerous snake in the world is the one your are working with".  Good luck, be smart, take your time and learn a lot.

  6. well i don't know to many that would act like one when you are trying to catch it but check out the hognose and also the false cobra

    yeah those would be black rat snakes or black racers or even corn snakes all of wich are pretty much the same snake aside from morphs and are not as aggresive as you say

  7. Most snakes if threatened act in the same manner.  Tail rattle, coil and/or strike. There's really no difference between the two except that one can kill you if it connects. Handling of vens should be kept to a minimum...and not at all if it can be helped.  Once you have a hand on the snake, you can be bitten.  For aggressiveness, nothing beats a coachwhip or any of the other racer types.  I've handled a lot of hots and found many of them to be quite easy going and deceptively calm.  Doesn't mean I'd ever catch them by hand...but they weren't any different in behavior from any other snake I've caught aside from the potential for a bite that can injure or kill you.

    Owning venomous snakes-especially rare species is a big responsibility and can be quite expensive. You need to have a special room that is escape proof-preferably not in your own house.  You will need custom locking secure cages. You will need to have anti-venom of your own for each species that is not indigenous to the area and therefore not kept at a hospital.  Don't expect the hospital to carry anti venom for some exotic species not even from this country. Anit venom is EXPENSIVE!  You will also need a protocol book that lists the snake, the scientific and common name, treatment for that type of venom (not all venomous bites are the same-especially exotic species) and a list of any allergies or medical problems you have. You will also need to notify your local fire department/police dept. to let them know that you are keeping venomous species so that if they ever get a call to your residence they can take proper precautions.  Owning a dangerous snake affects not just you, but every keeper of reptiles out there.  Keeping irresponsibly creates laws that keep the rest of us from enjoying the animals.  Even keeping aggressive non-venomous species will by no means properly prepare you for a ven. You really should work with an experienced, responsible keeper of hots before ever trying to keep them on your own.

  8. black racers are very aggressive but not poisonous, if cornered they become vicious!

  9. as most venomous keepers say there is no non venomous snake that will get you ready for venomous ones, they act different and you will always know its a harmless snake.  like the person said before me leave the wild snakes alone and if one needs removed call someone that knows what they are doing

  10. the non venomous snakes that are agressive tend to be tree snakes like amazon tree boas and green tree pythons but its a lot different to pick the tree snakes up than picking up venomous snake...tree snakes you kind of put your fingers at their neck and then grab their bodies with your other hand where as venomous snakes you would "grab" upper to mid section with a hook and then grab their tail.  other agressive land snakes like blood pythons they are too heavy for a hook so you have to just use your hands with them and take your chances...some bloods are agressive but not all though...we had one of each...the female was very sweet and the male was all snake...he had a go at everyone awesome snake.

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