
What not to wear on TLC?

by  |  earlier

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Well, first off, I LOVE that show. I noticed when Carmindy or Nick was talking to them (or sometimes Stacy and Clinton), the camera showed their reflection through the mirror, but you cant see the camera. Is it just the angles of it?

I'm just wondering I've been thinking about it before...




  1. Ya, with anything where they have a shot of someone looking at a mirror they have to shoot them on an angle or else you will see the reflection of the camera in the mirror.

    That's why you never see someone looking straight into a mirror, unless there is a hidden camera.

    I love What Not To Wear too!! My mom is really into it, so we usually sit and watch the show together.

    Watching Carmindy makes me want to become a makeup artist. She makes it look so easy :)

  2. I'm afraid it's not that complicated:

    It's just a double-sided mirror.


    It is a really great show (my favorite part being the "before" portion.)  I believe you're talking about the 360 mirror, are you not?  That is just as explained above.... a double sided mirror.  Have you ever seen in a movie where someone is in the little room being questioned by the cops and other sops are watching him from behind the mirror in another room (like the Departed or The Dark Knight)?  That's what it is... no big angle trick.... just a double sided mirror.


    If you're NOT talking about that portion and you're talking about the Make-up portion, here is the way they film this:

    1.  Have the camera at an angle behind the person being filmed.

    2.  The people who are being filmed look into the reflection of the lens in the mirror

    Voila!  They are being mirror-filmed!

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