
What noticeable traits have your kids picked up from you?

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Besides the normal (manners etc), what traits or habits have your kids picked up from you or your spouse?

Every time I grab a book to read on my bed, my kids grab a book and prop up pillows and read. I think it's so funny.

They are also super girly (my poor hubby lol) and squeamish of bugs and dirt and germs. They pick up after themselves and even get wet wipes to wipe down crumbs or whatever. ha ha.

What do your kids do that you just know they picked up from you?




  1. My opinionated attitude

  2. Well, I don't have a kid, but my baby brother is literally a clone of my parents.

    When my dad comes home and sits in his recliner and yawns, my brother sits on the same recliner when my dad isn't home and stretches and yawns. I think it's hilarious.

    When my baby brother does something bad, my mom lets out a big sigh and says his name. He does the same exact thing when I don't let him get his way/get mad at him.

    It's funny. I love the kid to death.

  3. She needs everything in a certain place, which can get a little hectic sometimes. Especially at the dinner table when she is too worried that her corn will mix with her rice. Also the fact that she loves to meet people and have a good time.

  4. Both my kids love to dance-especially my daughter- which they got from me. My daughter wants to be a ballerina, which is kinda funny because I started ballet at her age and did it for years. They also like spicy food which they get from both their father and I (he's Mexican), so we eat it quite a lot!

  5. Boys - Absolute slobs (from me)

    All kids - dry sense of humor.

    daughter - very girlie (wife)

    I have mixed feelings here.  Both boys have 2 summer jobs and work over 70 hours/week.  I'm proud; but I missed a great deal of their lives when they were younger.

    Boys - have no clue what colors go with what.  Green shirt, blue pants...all OKAY.

    Daughter - fashion expert. (wife)

    All pretty good kids (wife)

    All kids see humor in almost anything (me)

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