
What now for Hilary Clinton?..Will she still win?Looking like Bill is desperate to be in the white house again

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  1. Hillary will likely do better on the whole from here through Super Tuesday than she did in S.C. She has covered her tail by campaigning in Michigan and Florida, 2 key states, even though the DNC has stripped them of their delegates. If the time comes when she may be short a couple of delegates needed for the nomination, you will see her take up the cry "Make Every Vote Count!" again. Bill would like nothing better than to be the man behind the shower curtain. People who believe that Hillary will be the President while Bill sits back and gives tea parties are woefully naive. Bill will be right there making decisions and policies.

  2. Bill wants another crack at a fresh crop of interns.

  3. Or, maybe he's desperate to keep her out.Jealousy works in strange ways.

  4. If he stays in the picture, she will lose for sure.

  5. Bill wants another white house maid to wipe his *** thats all oh and perhaps he might get another mistress

  6. If she wins will Bill assume the role of the victim poster child that Hillary held while Bill fiddled in the White House?

    I can see him bite his lower lip claiming hat it's all a right wing conspiracy.

  7. The Billary Machine is in full motion. It has completely split the Democrat party down race lines as demonstrated in S.C.. When the large states vote, it will come out far and away ahead. Then the Republicans will have their target do do anything and everything to prevent a 3rd term of the Billary Machine.

  8. Here's my take on the situation:

    Bill and Hillary are together for convenience sake.  If Hillary is occupied ten hours a day or more with her White House duties, Bill can cast his fishing line as often as he wants.

    With the kind of White House secret service protection that give you complete privacy, Bill can be like an invisible man; no one is allowed to disclose any information about him; those are the rules.  JFK took full advantage of this, cheating on Jackie.

    Bill is just drooling over the prospect of, figuratively, being like an invisble man, ambling through a sorority house full of young coeds.  His wife will often be away on business, and he'll have some sort of love nest arrangement set up.  Elvis Presley's jungle room will be no match for Bill's Hillbilly Love Shack.

  9. She is still the national front-runner according to the polls. The Clintons are showing little grace under fire. I was open-minded for all the candidates but the thought of a 'co-presidency' turns me off. Eight years of Bill Clinton was enough for me.

  10. Hillary is going to win the Dem nomination. It is that simple. Although I do not like it because I hate her.

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