
What now??????????????????????

by  |  earlier

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i like this boy and he likes me back, he is also 2 years older than me. he is 15, i am 13. the only problem is that, i live in NJ and he lives in NY. he keep in touch bye using the phone. he calls me everyday at around 7 p.m.. Right now we are just friends. What should i do about this. (we never get to see each other)

p.s. we met over the summer of 2008 in person!




  1. three words GET OVER HIM!!!!@#$%^  

  2. You shoud continue to stay in touch with him while you work on your priorties which hopefully is school.

  3. Right then - the age thing doesn't matter for sure - I once went to a bar with a guy 10years older then me this summer.

    Personally, I think 13 is too young to keep up a long distance relationship and may prevent you from concentrating on the more important things in your life, ie. School and friends.

    You should continue with your contact with him but stay friends until you feel ready you can commit yourself and feel it is the right thing to do - also if you can trust him with being so far apart...

    Hmm... I don't know if I've been much help but I hope you do whats right for you :)


    thanks for answering my question btw :)

  4. Nothing, it is what it is.

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