
What now.....?

by  |  earlier

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ok i posted a question about motorcycles but it wasnt EXACTLY about racing.... in cars and transportation>motorcycles (and this is for all yal ppl out there who were whining bout questions not being posted in the right section) and guess what... one answer.... o ya im goin to get a bunch more answers if i post it there.... whatever... not tryin to start a war but just figured id let yall no i didnt get any answers therefore im goin to ask my questions about motorcycles and what has to do with racing here and yal can deal with if yall dont want to answer it then fine!




  1. in your face! i ♥ motorcycles!

  2. OK, Fine! You know what if you didn't have so much attitude and wasn't so persistent and your always a trooper even after we give you c**p, I will give you total props! You stuck in there...... I always got your back for now on and i want to be your fan!

    Jessica C you Rock!!!

    Happy New Year!!!

    Come on guys, give her a break. She just said she posted her questions in "Cars & Transportation" and she was not digging the answers she was getting. She is saying "we are more to the point and she has trust in our answers" I can accept that, let her ask questions....It's cool.

  3. Very good.What's the question?

  4. wow, maybe you can use the spell check next time.....

  5. OK So I can have a go too. I checked your profile... I like you know what your on about ..... but yes it is racing you are wrong . put it in the right cat. your obviously intelligent enough to know how to post such a question in such a way as to get the response you need . how do you expect the Idiots who really need an answer to get the answer they need but following your example.  sorry if I offend you but as I said you know what your doing so **** OFF be a ***** to some ****** else and leave this category alone
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