
What number have i just written on a peice of paper?

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I'm looking for psychics to interview.




  1. At any given moment there are literally millions of people writing something on a piece of paper. What makes you so special?

    Does psychic ability really disturb you that much, that you feel the need to prove its not possible, with your little feeble experiment?

    Why do you continue to ignore your personal issues within you that keep you from a life of happiness and success, You look at others in contempt like they are the reason you can't make it, but it is your own choices that have brought you the life you live!

  2. I see eight or eighteen. Something with eight in it.Eight is very strong to me .

  3. What ever you wanted to... but it was 13

  4. 180,679

  5. Squiggly lines

  6. Jstro got it right - 37 is the answer.  You should interview him.

  7. 37?  

    The more answers you get, the likelier someone will pick the right number by coincidence.

  8. 112

  9. 3216549813168546913265849843168498421321...

  10. There are none but let me try.


    Right ??????

  11. You didn't write a number you wrote a variable with a coefficient of 1.

  12. 8

  13. 7

  14. number 9

  15. Pi.  I know I am wrong.  I seem to be blocked from this sort of thing, but I couldn't resist guessing, thanks.

  16. 1

  17. You wrote nothing

  18. You have scribed a number identical in value to your IQ:


    So, was I right?  Was I?  Huh?  Yeah?  Yeah?  Was I?  Huh?

  19. 5

  20. 6

  21. 63

  22. 51

  23. 3

  24. 42

  25. 34

  26. 27

  27. 4

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