
What number is 48% of 650?

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What number is 48% of 650?




  1. 312

  2. x/650 = .48

    x = 312

  3. 0.48 x 650 = 312

  4. (48%/100%) * 650 = 312

  5. 312.

    Use a calculator, type in 650 x .48 - that's 48% (48/100ths)

  6. Multiply 650 by 0.48.

    It's like saying 100% of 650 is 650, right? So to get that, you'd multiply 650 x 1.00 (which is just 1, but I put the zeros so you could see it's 100%). To find 50% of something, you'd multiply the number by 0.50. See how that works? So the answer is 312.

  7. 650 * 48 / 100 = 312

  8. since 48% = .48 by 48/100

    it would be

    650 x .48 = the number you want

    sorry but i dont have my calculator on me so your gonna have to multiply yourself

  9. 48% of 650 = 312


  10. 312  multiply 650 by .48

    or multiply it by .52 and subtract that from 650.

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