
What number is better ?

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playing QB and some times WR

number - 5


number - 1

and why?




  1. 1

    M_C, what the h**l are you talking about?

    Collins was god awful. Edwards is average and Brennan will never be a starter in the pros. McNabb is good however.

    Have you ever heard of a quarterback named WARREN MOON?

    yeah, he wore the number 1.

    And his 291 TD passes and 49,000 passing yards say he was pretty good.

  2. 1 cuz its #1

  3. number 1 is good cuz it's the 1st number!

    but I like 5 better cuz it just sounds better!

  4. Neither - if I had to choose I would go with # 8. There have been lots of good QB's both in college and in the pro's that donned the great "8" and many receivers start in the "80's" (i.e. 80, 81, 82, 88). But if you wnat to pick between 1 and 5 I would have to go with # 5. That's more of a QB AND Receiver # then #1 is.  I can't see a receiver wearing #1 unless they are at the college level (like at the University of Michigan - the #1 jersey ALWAYS goes to a WR).

  5. 7, good luck

  6. I say 5

    I have never seen a pro qb (at least a good one) with the number 1. The has been great qb's that have worn the # 5 jersey (Donovan McNabb of the Eagles, Trent Edwards of the Bills, Colt Brennen wears 5 on the Redskins, and Kerry Collins of the Titans, Former Raider.)

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