
What number is easier to remember: a. 9117818; b. 7029507; c. 4123973?

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These are phone numbers (without pref.), I have the chance to choose one and do not know which of them. Any suggestions, please?




  1. The first one, 9117818.

    If you just split it like 911-78-18, it's pretty easy. It's also pretty catchy.

  2. All of these numbers can be made to "look like" telephone numbers in a person's head, by splitting the first three from the final four.

    That *should* make answer A easier to remember, simply because of the connotation of 911.  Now, the user truly needs to only remember 4 numbers.

  3. c.4123973

    think of 4 than 1 2 3 than 9 7 and 3.

  4. A.

    but , how can u dial carefully enough instead of dialing 911?! lol i did that b4 and it was scary :D

    but, i have a Q for u, since i answered urs

    why would u put ur # on the internet where every1 who has a comp can call u?????????

  5. B. you can make it into a rhythm. say it to yourself, slowly. 7 0 2 9 5 0 7

  6. The verbal rythym, recognizable patterns and numeric similarities (all ones and 789) in 911-7818 make it very easy for me to remember.  

    That said, judging from these responses it looks like different number combinations work for different people.

    Say them all out loud, see if one stands out for you.  {If not, go with 911-7818, that one's really working for me! ;)}

  7. WHAT??

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