
What number makes a low, good, and perfect SAT score?

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What number makes a low, good, and perfect SAT score?




  1. For the accumulated score:

    •A low score would be from 600 (the bottom) to 1400 (a little below the average)

    •A good score would be from 1500 (the average) to 2000 (just below the cutoff for Ivy League schools)

    •A perfect score would be a 2400, but 2100-2300 are excellent as well.

    For each section (such as math, writing, or critical reading)

    •A low score would be a 200 (the bottom) to a 400 (Just below average)

    •A good score would be a 500 (the average) to a 650 (Just below the cutoff for Ivy League schools)

    •A perfect score would an 800, but a 680 to a 750 are excellent as well.

  2. low- 1600s



    the best way to improve your score is to take a class. some tips for the sat is to have 3 general people that you know facts about that can relate to any subject and write about them. like harriet tubman or einstein. another tip is to avoid the last few questions becuase they are trick questions and many people dont get the right.

    good luck!

  3. A low SAT score is usually 900 or lower

    A good SAT score is usually 1000-1500

    A perfect SAT score is usually 1600-2400

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