
What obvious explanation can you think of for the Gas Station Blue ghost video.?

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Looks like a green piece of plastic thats blurry because it's very close to the lens to me.

Or maybe it's a real ghost!!!!




  1. The gas station ghost looks like a blue genie to me. More than likely someone is playing tricks with a graphics program to prank the manager of the gas station.

  2. I agree with TR on this one. I wish I could remember where, but just recently I saw something exactly like this debunked. I can't recall what, but there was something on the camera lens that caused it.

  3. The way it moved around that you can actually see the shape of an individual who once walked this earth.  I believe it to be a ghost. I have heard stories from people who have said they have seen blue spirits before. I believe when people die, some have the ability to let off more electricity therefore are able to let out more blue within their spirit, which was a good spirit.

  4. Yes this was likely a camera focus issue. The camera was designed to catch faces at ground level if debris or insect where near the lens it would appear out of focus.....the color may have something to do with the intrinsic color of the item or just ambient light.

    The beforementioned debunking was of a figure at a courthouse...I saw it as well...that was more obviously an insect.

  5. This question has recently been asked. If it is not deliberate fraud, it's most likely an insect on the lens. It's very obvious from the video that the "ghost" is completely 2-dimensional in appearance and motion, not to mention that people (seemingly) walking right by it failed to notice it. That, together with the fact that nobody on the ground saw it but it was only captured on video pretty much nails this as a video camera problem (e.g., a bug on the lens) or a fraud.

  6. It moves like a blue bug, but the color seems too bright to be natural.  It could be a pice of plastic I guess.  Whatever it is it's out of focus and it's certainly not a ghost.  I can't believe what some of these news channels waste their time reporting.

  7. I'm pretty sure you've got it right.

      I believe I saw this on CNN and the culprit was exactly as you said a piece of plastic film blowing around.

    Many items are covered with plastic film when in transport on open truck beds so this wouldn't be unusual.

  8. It looks more like a silverfish on the glass in front of the lens.   This is not a ghost.

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