
What od you think about these racist comments on GWS?

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James asked this question "Why is there a higher proportion of African American single women compared to other women?" And these are some of the racist answers the question received.

Jen J's answer "cause they dont shave their smelly arm pits and are too much trying to be the man instead of the woman with their "Oh no he didnt" attitudes"

Jose Carlos G's answer "Because African Americans folks, (girls and men) tend to cheat more they run away or they are in jail or dead." His source was "My father was African American

i never met him my mom said he got killed in jail"

It's obvious that both of them are racist and one of them feels that because he has a black father that he never met that he can generalize all black poeple. The other is just ignorant. But what makes them feel they have a right to generalize a race of people they obviously know nothig about?




  1. Yeah, I just read that but I'm not going to answer it because it just gives them attention.

    They're just trying to spread their own, special, brand of ignorance.

    I doubt any of them has a black father or relative, they are simply the usual trolls trying something bit different than woman bashing for a change.

    Ignore them ~ decent people don't feel the same way and their comments are too stupid to dignify with a reply.

    Best wishes :-)

  2. No offense but weren't you being a little racist yourself?

    "As for me I don't date black guys, because the majority of them seem to follow that disrespectful-black-man-rapper kind of role"

    I mean, you down a guy for holding a ill gathered opinion on an entire race because his father who happened to be black, ran off on him, which I see the grudge, but the color generalization isn't fair.

    Why is it bad for him to hold that generalization but its ok for you to say that most black men have some attitude that you don't like therefor you don't date them? It's almost like you blamed black men.

    On to the Q.

    The racist comments aren't nice. I think they're trying to get attention or anger a few people.

  3. I disagree with racist view but it is a free country.

    How do you feel about black comics comments talking about whites as if we are all complete nerds?

  4. I think it's sad that ignorance spreads so much hate. I stick by my answer to that question. It was mean-spirited and meant to get hostile answers like the ones you posted.

    Give an idiot a forum and they'll flock to it like flies on ****.

    I think it's unnecessary and wrong to even post that c**p. It's stupid and extremely disturbing how some people think. But I have to ask - did you report them and the questioner? :)

  5. It's wa y of having fun for them |:...

    It's like im gonna answer some stupid thing :D:D:D

    Don't get too bothered about them \;

  6. Well, the question was "why is there a higher proportion of African American single women compared to other women?"  A question like that is bound to get answers that are criticial of either African American women or African American men, isn't it?  I mean, it's inevitable,isn't it? why should it surprise you?

  7. Maybe the experiences they had have been bad. Anytime someone is done wrong by a certain class of people the people are blamed an not the individual. Don't make these people bad makes them wary to trust.

  8. What I find so curious is that the mere scent of racism (real or imagined) immediately gets people upset, while sexism is merrily tolerated.  A great example is that infamous "nappy-headed hoe" comment by whats-his-name.  It was the racism inherent in the remark that upset people - not the sexist element.

    *So you agree.  A woman is derided as a w***e, a man applauded as a stud - for precisely the same behavior.   And you don't find this double-standard sexist?  That's EXACTLY what I mean.

    I don't care if you're purple: as long as Americans encourage sexism by not speaking out against it, the longer your country will continue to be plagued by it.  You guys are just so used to hearing c**p like this in your media and  pop culture - that you don't even "hear" it anymore.  You can't identify it even when its staring you in the face.

    *gadgitgirlmbl is right.  You are yourself racist (against your own race) , and as I have noted, you are sexist too (against your own gender).  The establishment has you well-indoctrinated.  I wouldn't be surprised if you were homophobic also: these things usually go together.

  9. No, you didn't just go there with that comment girlfriend, now is that racist what I just wrote? You asked a question you get people opinions. Both were comments not racist statements or facts. Its what they read or learn from the History books or what they see on TV. You cannot be judgmental as you yourself is being racist or prejudice towards one's opinion. You ask a question you should take it and dish it out. This is what your posted question seem to be applying. I read it that way. Does that make me a racist, no? There are some black folks that have bad body odor. I had a friend who would never put on deodrant and he was black. Telling my friend to put on deodrant isn't being racist but a friend. You just proved to others about black people's attitude. You showing your dark side of it. You should mellow out. Its okay. All ethnic get put down. How about the Mexican's who constantly fight for freedom to be an American? Do you see them placing a post question or seem uptight about all the criticizms. I say not. I suggest you read the Bible and educate yourself not to seem like a racist. You're being a racist towards others opinions. Opinions is a freedom of speech. All people have the rights to speak. I know I'll get an ear full from you and if I do than I proved my point. Live life and enjoy...God Bless You

  10. I hate to see things like that , it is very extreme. But you know when people are hurt by a certain group then they in turn generalize. I know many people that generalize because their race is generalized. Many African-Americans at my school have the same attitudes toward White people and so it just goes around and around. No one is tolerant, and sorry but the African Americans (in my school, not in the world) are much more vocal about their comments.

    It goes around in a circle, over and over. If everyone just stopped, it would be gone but we all know that is d**n near impossible.

  11. I agree with them, but since you say they are wrong, what is the reason there is a higher proportion of single African American women?

    Hmm, thumbing me down isn't going to enlighten me or anyone else who thinks the same thing as me.

    OK, I'll start since no one is able answer my question... I agree with them because I was attracted to this one black girl, but she had a ghetto vibe to her which made me not want to date her. In fact, most of the black people I know have a ghetto vibe to them. I know plenty of black people who are not ghetto, but the majority I've met are. This is based on knowing black people. This is NOT based on assumption.

    I love how everyone here is sad that people are ignorant, yet NOT ONE person here is willing to enlighten someone with some knowledge. I think it's because they have no answer. They just think, "Oh no, we can't say anything bad, la la la la la. Just drown out the ugly truth and call them ignorant, la la la la la."

    I'm going to get more thumbs down, and no one is going to answer because they probably can't refute it.

  12. Everyone generalizes someone about something. You expect us to be shocked by this?

    Unfortunate but what can you do, yahoo answers is not really the place for enlightened discussion.

  13. I abhor racism.

  14. I think it's disgusting.

  15. The comments are racist.

    But, most people here are assumed to be White. Like it or not there is going to be less sympathy from a party who doesn't identify.


    Similar to women crying about their own issues yet being less sensitive to male issues; as in court and job biases, social biases. -- Where is the gender movement from these women then? Their numbers seem to drop off quite a bit on issues concerning the male perspective.

  16. Yeah, that's pretty racist.  

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