
What % of people who believe in Global Warming also deny the Holocaust?

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A while back a few of you here invaded the different sports sections and telling us that we were all bad people if we didn't give up watching our favorite sport for "Earth Hour". When the like of us took exception and decided to pay you g**s a visit here, none of you like it. In fact, I received some hate mail from a TC here who told me that I had the nerve to deny Global Warming and believe in the Holocaust at the same time.

Do you know of any Global Warming believers who try to use Global Warming is supporting or denying the Holocaust?




  1. and those people couldn't possibly have been trolls huh?

    I don't know anyone with any sense who tries to rationalize those, to be related enough to think if someone believes one way about one, they must believe a certain way about the other.

    I get hate mail all of the time. from people who like to deny things all the time. What I really like is when people try to argue stuff they read in blogs, that just happens to fall in my profession.

  2. You got hate mail? Some people have all the luck.

  3. I would guess that 0% of people who believe in global warming deny the Holocaust.  We also believe the Earth is round, man landed on the moon and the Earth began more than 11,000 years ago (or whatever the current number is).

  4. WOW, global warming linked to denial of the Holocaust and homophobia all in one question.

    What a sad little person you are!

  5. I know that skeptics are labelled as "global warming deniers" which has a really negative connotation in that it suspiciously sounds like "holocaust deniers". Through using such terminology, AGW proponents attempt to discredit skeptics by associating them with a terrible event in history.

  6. I don't know how many g.w. alarmists deny the holocaust, that's never been raised here to my knowledge.  However, it seems that most are fully content to live in their fairy-tale world.

  7. You better live life to the fullest. No one should control your life. Most the believers shot gun the skeptics, even the ones that support the environment. To be fair I can't say all of them do that though. I have seen a change in this forum, it's getting to be a discussion instead of an argument. That's been promoted by TC's on both sides.

  8. I think its funny that helios is going to watch us.  Not partake in the whole starving thing.  Good game.

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