I am trying to get demographic statistics to determine what the burden of slavery reparations should be. Also, the number of current living Americans who are descended from slaves would be useful. The best answer would exclude those who were actual slaves. I am trying to decide if it would be fair for taxpayer money to pay reparations if the majority of Americans don't have roots that stretch back that far in the US. People always say "America"/"the govt" should pay. But that is merely currently living taxpayers. As a second generation American whose ethnic group was barred from interracial marriage, citizenship, and property ownership in the US as recently as the 1940's, I feel that the debate concerning reparations often overlooks many factors. If it is the economy as a whole that benefited unjustly from slavery, then I argue that I have benefited no more from slavery than the very descendants of slaves as they have a longer line of free descendants in the US than I have.