
What old type of agriculture was recently re-introduced with astonishing results? Also can you give an example

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It's suppose to read re-implemented but I guess that's o.k. It's the only question on my History quiz I'm having the most trouble with and It's taken me 6 days to try and figure this out. I really appreciate all the help so for. My first time on yahoo answers and this is pretty neat.




  1. Use of organic fertilzer is th eold type o fagriculture which gives astonishing results.

  2. Could that be no-till farming? In America, it's been getting more and more popular to not till the field because the wind blows so much dirt away and other reasons. Anyways, corn farmers get better results when not tilling. They use an implement that has discs for each row that slice a groove into the earth for the seed to be inserted into.

  3. Apart from no till farming and composting relying on natural farming without application of chemicals (fertilizers and pesticides) is giving good results in context of ecological benefit. One of such farm is located at Gujrath state in India known as kalpavruksha and have got astonishing results. The farm do not use any fertilizer nor remove weeds or apply any pesticide (chemical ar biological). The farm is spread over 200 acre and researchers from all over the world have visited and appreciated the work. Apart from this, there are many workers from Japan who work on natural farming practice with best results.

  4. Indian Agricultral scientists changed our agriculture customes and traditional seeds.  Due to this soil loss its fertility.  Soil and water is contaminated with pesticide and weedicide and othe fertilizer.  it give best result when we use the old seed and knowledge of traditional method of cultivation.

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