I've just gotten in from a walk, on which I found a very interesting but unidentifiable beetle.
It was about three-quarters of the size of my thumb, teardrop shaped (small head and wide butt) and had six legs, and a very hard, shiny shell on the back. It was greenish-yellow, but was particularly shiny right at the butt and the thorax. The shell presumably opened up when the beetle flew, but I just saw it drop out of a tree and crawl on the sidewalk. Its underside was a sort of greyish-brown color.
Like I said, the beetle dropped onto the sidewalk (presumably from the tree above) when I walked by. It crawled to a sandy area where some ants had built a hill, and then it dug for a while. I thought perhaps it would dig under the sand completely, but it just sort of got its belly in, then walked away after five minutes. It walked rather slowly for a bug, I thought, and didn't seem at all frightened of me even though it saw me.
I have never seen this sort of beetle before, nor have I seen