
What on earth can I put in a 1.5 gallon aquarium?

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A buddy gave it to me for a betta....

There is no way I would put a betta in something like that - I like bettas too much....

However, if I dont use it my buddy will be hurt....

I was thinking about maybe a pair of endler live bearers (males) and MAYBE a cherry shrimp....

Any ideas?




  1. 6-8 Cherry shrimp would be great in your small tank.  Soon they will start multiplying and you can give some to your buddy.  They do need aeration and a very small filter would help a lot.

  2. betta is about the only thing you really could put in something that small I know I hate how people put them in such small things myself but I guess there are reasons for it thow.

  3. brine or cherry shrimp is a good idea!

  4. maybe you can put 3 male endler's or 3 male guppies

  5. Turn it into a planted tank.

  6. Some people have suggested guppies but I dont think its a good idea. I couldn't keep 2 alive in a tank that small. One would be silly and one of anything just looks so lonely.  I think guppies look beautiful when there are a bunch of them together. Defenitely not a goldfish. A tank that small is absolutely impossible to cycle. Trust me Ive tried with disastrous results. I like the planted aquarium idea.

  7. a 1in goldfish

  8. How about a betta.  They are very pretty fish and take very little maintenance.

  9. it is too small a tank.  why dont u just use it for decorative purposes and put some colored stones etc into it.  no fish pls.

  10. People keep saying the same thing over again so I'm going to say...


    -African Dwarf frog

    -Fiddler Crab


    -Apple Snail

    ADF are always pretty cool.  Hope this was a little different =)

    I wouldn't suggest putting them ALL in there, I'm not sure if the fiddler crab and shrimp are compatible.  But yeah, choose what you like =)

    Good luck!

  11. 1 guppy. one guppy needs 1 gallon to itself cuz of its size

  12. Go with the shrimp, there are several varieties available.  Who knows, they might even have babies.

  13. A cherry shrimp tank or just a plant tank.

    Could always breed some MTS(Malaysian Trumpeter Snails). Or Mystery snails.


  14. 2 endlers or 2guppies with a fresh water shrimp

    3 endlers or 3 guppies

    1 endler and 1 guppy with a fresh water shrimp

    1 endler and 2 guppies

    2 endlers and 1 guppy

    2 of any kind of feeder fish.

  15. a plant and a beta. Beta's are pretty colorful (especially the males) and they thrive living alone.

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