
What on earth is 'Dangerous' Dave Cameron doing in Georgia?

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His dulcet tones did seem a little out of place!




  1. Why, It's a really, really good photo-opportunity for him, of course!

    Whilst Miliband and Brown are actually working on the issue he is grabbing the headlines. Just makes you wonder if the Tories are really media-savvy or if Labour are just a bit, well... Ignorant in that department. Here's an opporunity for them to look lke they're doing good things and they don't even do a press release.

    I thought they had hired some top notch spin doctors. Where did they go?

  2. Doing his job!

  3. Dave Cameron is in Georgia? Really? Don't tell his wife!

  4. Hope he stays there.

  5. He took a wrong turn at Dover when out on his bike - silly a$$

  6. He`s gone lookin for his Bike that got nicked

  7. Boris Johnson sent him there on a bus. But not a bendy one.

  8. attention seeking ? trying to convince of his statesman potential. Hope the ruskies do us a favor.

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