
What on earth was Obama talking about? Values? Huh?

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In a speech in my home state of WI yesterday, in Milwaukee, he said "The unemployed man is my brother and the mother without healthcare is my sister" and then went on to say that they were the values he's been talking about. Huh?

Being unemployed and not having healthcare are "values"? Does this guy even know what values are? What values people talk about? Wow. No teleprompter = no coherent speech. No wonder he's deathly afraid of townhall meetings with McCain. I understand his reluctance.




  1. it makes sense that you don't understand what he's talking about ... you obviously don't have values so there's no point of reference for you.

  2. Republicans obviously have zero analytical skills...Looks like they can only listen to themselves

  3. I realize it may be hard for Conservatives to figure out, but he's talking about caring for others in the community.

  4. Uh, over your head I guess... taking the speech out of context.

  5. Are you being deliberately obtuse or do you really not understand what he meant?  He meant that we have a responsibility to society to take care of the ones who are in need.  People by and large aren't unemployed or without health care by choice.  

    I don't live in Mars or a gated community where I have no idea how the other half lives, either.  There are some who live off the system, that's true.  But there are many more who truly want health insurance but aren't able to afford it and who have lost jobs through no fault of their own.  If you don't know that, you are the one who's been living on Mars.

  6. A man trying to get a job and a mother with no healthcare are vunerable members of American society. If he wants to protect the most vunerable members of society instead of leaving them to rot, then I say its a value. Secondly stop living the lie that somehow people have choosen to be poor. In every society there will always be an underclass, they flip your burgers and wash your cars, they have as much rights as you. A man with an IQ of 90 is not going to be CEO of a company he's going to change tyres. Those jobs pay minimum wage. These people who live in poor neighbourhoods and areas also end up making up most of your military recruits. You would refuse them basic emergency medical access. Nice your a real patriot

  7. the guy CANNOT speak without a teleprompter...or, having the questions in advance, which is why he told MCCain "No thanks" on the town hall meetings...

    and i love how HE gets away with the double speak...the speeches about pulling OURSELVES up, and working hard to advance in our OWN lives, but that the gov't. should be doing the exact same thing...which is it?  pull ourselves up, or let the government do it???  

    Barack, Michella, and Biden all gave the same speech...and to their credit, they have all succeeded admirably.  why then, do we need the government to bail people out?  apparnetly, even kids in the harshest of situations can succeed if they apply themselves, while all the government does is create a dependency worse than cocaine or heroine.

  8. I'm glad someone has finally mentioned values in this campaign.  Were are Sarah Palin's values how could she allow her 17 year old daughter to go out and get knocked up by a hoodlum and then allow her to marry this person just so she won't have to raise the child while she is at work saving our country from the communist.

  9. It is "amazing" you don't know what he is talking about-I guess you don't have those values

  10. You Obama haters sure are desperate.

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