
What on earth was this dream about ?

by  |  earlier

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The dream was bizarre,

Me a guy and another guy (both whom ive never met or know who they are, but to make this more readeble i'll give them names) were playing poker, the first guy, paul, raised the betting stakes to offer his bicycle, so did the other guy, damon, eventually paul won and damon said to come round to his house the next day to pick up the bike, the next morning me and paul made our way to damons, we looked outside to see if we could see the bike from the description damon gave us, alass we couldnt find it, we rang his doorbell, he answered, we told. He had left the room to make some tea, paul then whispered in my ear that he was sure that the bike was under that sheet

From nowhere i felt two sharp pains in my back, i turned around to see damon with a nail gun in his hand, there was paul laying on the floor, dead, blood gushing from his face, i ran out of the house to notice we were in the middle of the desert, he shot me in the legs, i was trying to crawl away when he stood over me and aimed the gun in my face, (i then suddenly woke up)

What on earth was that dream about ? Anyone got a clue




  1. This is a very detailed dream, you have done well to remember the details. There is one major area in this dream- the nail gun, you being shot by the nail gun represents backstabbing so this shows that you are worried about someone going behind your back and how you are trying to keep an eye on it. The nails basically mean the small things that are making you suspicious to this backstabbing- it could also be linked to the old saying ' another nail in the coffin' showing how all this 'evidence' is building up.

    Hope this helped

  2. This dream warn you ; of someone who can hurt you ; so be careful

  3. This sounds like that in real life you have been dragged into an argument that was nothing to do with you. If you haven't yet, use this dream as a warning that if someone close to you fals out with someone or starts saying derogatory things about a mutual friend, keep your distance!!!

  4. I think you have done something to feel really guilty about and tried to run away from it. You are being punished for your sins.................

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