
What on-line poker site has the most competetive ( best competition ) with 1-2 $ STT SNG's ?

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What sites would have the best players at this level and this type of game?




  1. Full Tilt and Poker Stars. Both sites have competitive players at all levels.  I've sometimes found myself playing over an hour at the micro levels on these sites in one STT SNG tournament!  Read the reviews at and to see what site suits you best.

    Also, if you were considering AP, a note about the scandal.  AP's scandal involved a few disgruntled employees who created super-users that could see other players cards.  There isn't inherent cheating by the company or software itself.  AP has since corrected the problem employees, and should definitely be in your queue of sites to check out if you are looking for a new site.  Hope this helps!



  4. I prefer less competitive but you can try at fulltilt, its one of the biggest online poker sites so you can say its competitive. You can read the review at

    as well as find other poker sites.

  5. Niki is right, I agree that FullTilt has some very good players in the smaller SNG tourneys.

    Be careful there, though, and watch to see if you are sitting with some of the same players too often. I have seen a few of the smaller tourneys with some obvious collusion during the game. Fulltilt does police the site, but I think they concentrate more on the bigger tourneys, and the smaller ones don't get watched as closely.

    Here are some sites to avoid for certain, an online casino BLACKLIST!

    Good luck at the tables.

    And avoid Absolute and Ultimate Bet completely, they have both had some major cheating scandals recently.

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