
What one....The Big Bang or God created the world?

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What one....The Big Bang or God created the world?




  1. the big bang is more believable in my opinion, as we see such things create and form today through science and other things that we are discovering along lifes path, they can be explained,once upon a time we never knew about tsunami's many freak things happen,in every day life, before our  very eyes, why is it so hard to believe chemical reaction is not at the bottom of our creation.

  2. Well it depends on whether you "believe" in science or if you believe in a story book....being as it is completely obvious to anyone with a brain that the earth has been in existence for more than 6000 years...then chances are that a book, which is written around 500 BC based on a Jewish oral tradition is probably not your most accurate information.

  3. What about the need for a first abstract creative force to put in place the Big Bang... we could call it God for example.

    => You can claim God alone without the Big Bang but that does not solve the problem of the what created the Big Bang.

    => You can claim the Big Bang but you are only displacing the problem of the first origin of everything for which God is needed.

  4. This is an opinion question.  So those who have different point of views, I accept that.  Please accept mine - even if you disagree.

    I don't think science has all the answers yet, but I don't believe in a god either.  I used to - but after years of fervent prayers, all for the right reasons, all done the right ways, all done with complete faith - I've grown tired of hearing "NO" or worse, not being heard at all.

    Man needs a god.  If none exists, he will create one.  Science has been opening up so many answers to long time mysteries that shed more light on there not being a god.

    OK, again, this is my opinion.  Please don't give me a thumbs down just because you disagree.  Give thumbs down to people who just plain are insulting or hostile.

    Intelligence starts with an intelligent conversation.  Those who can't keep up - GROW UP!


  5. The World created itself from materials which came together over time.

  6. Still has not been determined as yet.

  7. I believe in the Bile account of creation.

  8. God probably lit he fuse at the big god festival , took a long hard laugh ,and said well lets ee what comes out of this  one. Im sure it was a great boom enjoyed by all the other  gods.

  9. whatever you believe.

  10. i surppose you could read the bible genesis and incoperate the big bang into said science not got all the i understand it god has no time he begining and end but as humans we survie on liniar time we just can't get how heads around dawkins book 'out of eden' he is an athist and scientist he gives a very pluasable reason why the god factor is a human a very good stimulating read

  11. How about God lit the fuse.

  12. God did it.

  13. God created us. The Big Bang just appears to be a bunch of theories and questions more than answers. And the more time passes the more they uncover that the hisoric artifacts prove that indeed it was not the Big Bang? But if you ever read a bible's handbook you'd realize that there is actually proof and articfacts that prove that this Earth could not have been created by no one else other than God. This artifacts prove that indeed everything that the bible says is true. The stuff about the flood, the burning city, just read for yourself and you'll see. may god bless you all.

  14. look hun , just look around you , without humans do you think robots could have gotten out of nowhere ? if it wasnt because we humans developed into a more complicated set of mind any of the technology today wouldnt be here ,an intelligent source created it all the same applies to these concepts .I believe that BOTH of them happened , a superior intelligent force should AT Least started it all , and then evolution continued it!! as they were adapting to these world and its conditions

  15. well the big bang would need particles and such . the problem with that is where did they come from well god if you want to think that way.

    but if god then he would have made the big bang either way there is a dead end

  16. In the beginning, we were all fish. Okay? Swimming around in the water. And then one day a couple of fish had a r****d baby, and the r****d baby was different, so it got to live. So r****d Fish goes on to make more r****d babies, and then one day, a r****d baby fish crawled out of the ocean with its...

    [she waves her left hand limply]

    Ms. Garrison: ...mutant fish hands... and it had butt s*x with a squirrel or something and made this.

    [she points to a prehistoric mammal rodent]

    Ms. Garrison: r****d frog-sqirrel, and then *that* had a r****d baby which was a... monkey-fish-frog... And then this monkey-fish-frog had butt s*x with that monkey, and that monkey had a mutant r****d baby that screwed another monkey... and that made you!

    [she faces the class, with the new girl among them looking around]

    Ms. Garrison: So there you go! You're the retarded offspring of five monkeys having butt s*x with a fish-squirrel! Congratulations!

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