
What one food can I live on?

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I'm a single guy and I seem to be a minimalist of sort and like to save money. I work long hours 6am to 5pm. So I really only eat lunch at work and dinner when i get home. At home I currently only eat milk and cereal with high protein and carbs. Maybe i should also have vitamins.




  1. ramen is mad cheap.

    value menu stuff at fast food places.

    tunas cheap..and has alot of protein....breads cheap too. produce is cheap as well and itll give you vitamins you need.

  2. my friend lived on ramen and taco bell for 6 months.

  3. i've heard that an avocado is one of few foods that you can live on, on its own.  They are full of monounsaturated fats, proteins, vitamins and potassium.  plus, they are tastey.

    but, that doesn't really sound all the appealing i'm sure, so yea..i'd start taking a multi vitamin or something.  Doing so will boost your metabolism a bit and make you feel generally better.  

  4. PBJ sandwiches or Ramen

  5. How about tv dinners, or burritos, or pizzas?  You can mix and match to get the nutrients you need.

  6. Peanut butter.

  7. All had good answers -don't forget pot pieshave lots of veggies too.

    Have a great night..

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