
What one (or more) things do you or others hate about you?

by  |  earlier

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  1. I'm really stubborn. :)

  2. That I procastinate all the time and doesn't spend my time wisely.  Time is running out on me and I feel like I am lagging behind..wasted alot of time on unnecessary things

  3. Others: My Weight, The Fact That Me and My Husband are Childless By Choice, and Prefer To Donate to Charity, instead.

    Me: My fear of doctors,  I wish I could go without my blood pressure reaching 190/100

    My lack of a job. And the fact that when I finally get one, I get laid off every 3 years. I really need a new career, but don't have the money to go back to college.  

  4. I guess I get really moody sometimes.


  5. I hate that sometimes people take you for granted so I try n not take my friends for a ride

    Some of my pals actually don't tell about how they really feel which is such a shame

    Anyway I hate everything bad that happens evrywhere

  6. i have a loud voice and people are always telling me to shush! not in a bad way but i cant help it, i am the youngest of 4 kids and i guess i had to be loud to be heard...just stayed with me

  7. i hate my negative body image that i have of myself...oh and the fact that i over eat when i feel like this.  makes no semce does it??

  8. The voices in my head!

  9. im a night owl and i always sleep in the day

  10. I don't know. i think they are afraid to tell me!

  11. Others hate me all and there's nothing i can do about it.  

  12. i hate that i never worry about the future. I dont plan ahead and that gets me in a lot of sticky situations.

  13. I hate how I over analyze stuff and worry too much. I how nervous I am in front of a large group of people. I hate how insecure I am sometimes.

    Others really seem to dislike all I just mentioned too.

  14. I hate: arrogance from people who really don't have any reason to be arrogant.

    What others hate about me: that I'm often running late, I think.

  15. I hate that I had a work accident & am now in a wheelchair. It happened 4 years ago, I was 22 and really succeeding in life.  

  16. I hate and people around me hate the fact that I have became judgemental and opinionated...I so wish I wasnt and need to learn to keep this to myself

  17. I hate the fact I worry all the time, about everything!

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