
What one should i go with?

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my mom wants me to wear a white t shirt blue jeans and a red belt i think i should wear a white long slevee button down shirt blue jeans red belt and both want black hat this is for 4 of july prade HELP!!!!!!




  1. The long sleeve will be much hotter...if you go that route be sure it's 100% cotton.

    I'd do the t, with lots of sunblock.

  2. I think a red shirt with blue jeans and a white belt maybe might look more 4th of julyish :D

  3. I think either white shirt or red shirt would be fine, but not a white t-shirt, that would just be too casual. Not to mention potentially see-thru if it rains!

  4. ditto on glory--red shirt is more eye-catching

  5. it would be cool if you wore a red shirt, white belt, and blue jeans, because then you would be red white and blue in that order! lol Have Fun and Good luck!

  6. you should wear red T shirt and a wight belt with blue jeans and  the black hat would be good

  7. I like the button shirt one better. :D

  8. I always where a red/white/blue shirt and blue jeans and black hat. and Make sure to dress your horse up!

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