
What one talent in the world would you want to have?

by  |  earlier

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I would want to help the hungry




  1. It's not a talent, but I would love to have photographic memory.

  2. I would want to have a photogenic memory. I would never flunk a test .  

  3. i want to do flips and tricks like crazy or a professional guitar player i don't know they are achievable but i am lazy

  4. to burn s**t just by looking at it.

  5. The ablility to make my ex husband

    miserable for the rest of his life

  6. To cure any illness/disease, and that goes for animals as well as humans.

  7. this is also going to sound selfish, but I wish I could sing.  I can't carry a tune.  I can't even tell when I'm not carrying the tune =(

  8. amazing guitar playing

    selfish compared to yours

  9. i would want to fly. read peoples minds.

  10. I'd love to have the gift of making people laugh.

  11. To master every instrument.  I play a lot, but not enough in my opinion.

  12. to have an even better voice then i have already then i would sing to the poor and homeless and give them hope!

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