
What one thing would you change in the American public schools (without diminishing them)?

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My vote is teacher salaries begin at GS-12 and follow the GS system as federal employees.




  1. Lunch

  2. Foreign Language Instruction.

    I would institute a policy that would teach our children a foreign language starting very young (5-7 years old) continuing through high school and on through college. I would also actually teach them a foreign language and not the "I had 4 semesters of French, but I couldn't order an orange juice in Marseilles".  

    Why? To connect America to the rest of the world.  To burst our insular bubble. To humble us.  To make the playing field equal.

  3. There is one thing that should be changed in the teaching profession in  Michigan.  Say a teacher who wants to teach math or a foreign language. These teacher have devoted a lot time and the courses have been very difficult. This is what happens in Michigan a teacher who teachs gym has only have to take one quarter of the student teaching in order to teach gym. Now once this gym teacher is able to teach gym. This teacher then decides to teach English, science, math or social studies. The gym teacher is not qualified to teach these subjects but they do in fact teach these subjects. That is one of the main reasons that are schools are in such a chaotic situations. These teachers do now how to control these class rooms. But they feel that they do not want to do this. I do not know what they are afraid of. While I was a teacher at vocational high school they had  to take the regular classed. After these test I could not pass one students. These students has to repeat the whole year. I realize these teachers are under a lot a strain. But they should not feel discourage but should try to excel in their profession.

  4. a manners class for sure.  

  5. As a tax payer and someone who believe that public school are failing I would require teachers to teach the basics once again by this I mean reading, writing and math and science. I also would force teachers to be tested yearly and the students tested every year in order to advance to the next grade. I also think parents must be force to be involved in there kid schooling. We’re raising children who can’t read or write much less balance a checkbook but, they can play sports so there past to the next  grade how sad is that. The idea of paying teacher more is crazy the benefit of  a teacher are stunningly great medical for the whole family), three month a year off, and tenure makes it almost impossible for a teacher who is incompetent to be fired. You wouldn’t  pay for a car that didn’t work so why pay for  students who fail .  In closing parent must be forced to be involed teacher to be tested  student more focused on pssing the next grade and less on the NBA or NFL.  

  6. I would make the requirements to become a teacher A LOT harder, as some teachers are clearly under qualified to teach.

  7. Become more eco-friendly, of course!

  8. I would make sure that all classes only had 12 students.

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